The Haitian community is considered to have a lower than average education rate compared to its surrounding countries. The educational gap that children experience in these areas, whether in primary or secondary school, is an alarming concept, and this is why Haiti Good Heart Foundation continues its advocacy for offering support to underprivileged youth, as well as their families.
Our Programs Include:
Our primary focus is to offer educational resources for school-aged kids, providing financial support for tuition fees, books, and other miscellaneous items and expenses. We can also connect them with other educational organizations and providers.
We believe that nutrition and education should go hand in hand for anyone’s path to success. This is why we also provide food and other nutritional resources to eliminate malnourishment and hunger within the community.
To get the youth prepared for their careers, we also offer employment-focused programs, like skills training and consultation. This way, we are also reducing unemployment rates and financial strain for future job seekers.
Get in Touch
If you have further concerns about our agency, programs, or staff, message us today!