For the Haitian Children of Today

The History

Three beautiful African Children in School Taking Notes during Class. Candid Shot of African children in Bamako, Mali. By buying this image you support our local charity projects in Bamako.

Haiti good heart foundation is a US 501(c)(3) public charity.The organization first started last year by sending a few kids to school and purchasing books and other school materials for these children. Over time, Haiti Good Heart Foundation saw the need for further education support in various areas in Haiti, and so it became the frontier for change in the educational access of many Haitian children, building an avenue where their needs are met and their dreams develop and take flight.


Nesly Polifort

The Founder

Born and raised in Haiti, moved to the US back in 2008. I’m currently married  and blessed with 3 kids. It has always been my dream to give back to my community. I’ve been helping people pay for their kids schools  for a while now, and I decided to open an organization to help more kids to go to school and have a better future.

Haiti Good Heart Foundation Members

Dady Polifort

Dady Polifort Vice President

Lives in Pennsylvania

Charlotin Michelet

Charlotin Michelet Director

Lives in Maryland

Bertaud Vengine

Bertaud Vengine Assistant Director

Lives in Florida

Julien Jerome

Julien Jerome Consultant

Lives in Indiana

The Mission & Vision

Our vision is to see a better Haiti and a brighter future for the kids where they can go to school without having to think about if their parents would be able to send them to school next year or if they’ll have any food to eat when they get home. Our goal is to send as many kids  we can to school and to provide food for as many people as possible.

If you have any questions, get in touch with us now.

little kids smiling at the camera